THE LIBRARY IS OPEN MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY FROM 8:00 A.M. TO 4:30 P.M. Library is closed during testing.
Services Offered in the Library
- Book checkout
- Chromebook checkout and assistance
- Student ID services
Library Policies
- Students may check out up to two books at a time.
- Students are responsible for keeping track of their library books, ID, and Chromebook.
- Students are responsible for any fees related to lost or damaged library books or Chromebooks.
- If a student misplaces or forgets their Chromebook, they may borrow one for the day, but it must be returned by the end of the day.
- Students are responsible for any damage to a borrowed Chromebook while it is in their possession.
ID Replacement
- If a student needs a new ID, there is a $5.00 replacement fee payable at RevTrak.
Chromebook Insurance
- Chromebook insurance is available for $27.00 at Securranty. This insurance covers the student's Chromebook for the entire school year.
Questions, Comments, or Concerns
- For assistance, please contact Kendra Chriesmon or Elisa Salinas by phone or email.
As always, be responsible, be respectful, and be safe!